In 2001 it was not the problem. I am not sure where you studied contemporary history. Now it is the problem. Open your eyes a bit to the horror that Iran is spreading around the world - in Latin America, Africa, the Mideast, Europe. Iran is out for you - a woman. Just ask any Iranian woman.
I'm talking about the propaganda that's being spread to provoke another war. In 2001, it was Iraq. Now you're trying Iran. It's not 2001, this isn't going to work. This is a different world.
You know what I mean; you're feigning ignorance because that's part of the propaganda. Iran has no interest in attacking American women. Just stop it. This is pathetic and nobody is falling for it. US troops will not be invading Iran and if Israel wants to start a war with Iran, it's going to do it alone.
No one has to invade Iran to topple its unpopular regime. Air strikes against its nuclear facilities and Revolutionary Guard bases will do the job. The people of Iran will do the rest. They have been begging for help since Obama was president, but the likes of you don't care about the people of Iran, only about its leadership. But that is quite common amongst the progressive left and Marxists - people no, dictators yes.
And yes - they are after you as you are an infidel. You can pretend its not true, but it is.
That's odd, why would people like you be crying about Shiite Iran after a Sunni organization like Hamas committed a terrorist attack? That's kind of like trying to connect a country like Iraq to 9/11 and Al Qaeda even though they had no connection and everybody knew it was a lie, since Israel wanted to topple Iraq's regime (read the Clean Break Memo)...WAIT A SECOND I'M GETTING A FLASHBACK
If Israelis want to air strike Iran, they're going to do it alone and then they'll have to deal with the consequences. Americans will not sign up for another endless Jewish war, where somehow tons of angry Muslim "refugees" get dumped on Western countries as Israeli borders get more and more secure.
Don't tell me what Muslims think about me as an infidel. Islam deserves no defense. But no Iranian EVER committed a terrorist attack in the United States, and there's no proof you can provide otherwise. Stop lying.
Ira, you're in big trouble here. Nobody is buying Zionist propaganda and you come off looking like a fool. This is a different world now and Israel is going to fight its own wars because Americans have had enough.
Listen to what I'm telling you because this won't end well. No Jewish state has lasted longer than 75 years in Jewish history, and Israel is reaching. Israel is going to destroy itself with this lunatic behavior. Go join the IDF because no American is coming to save you (unless you've served already then tell other young Jews to do it).
I was wondering how long it would take until the anti-Semitism came through. Honestly, I thought it would take a bit longer.
Just remember ... first they come for the Jews ....
I would mute the thread but I still have a bit of First Amendment absolutist in me and I think it is good that others witness what you are, whomever you are.
Wilhelm Marr coined the misnomer "anti-Semitism" (Arabs are Semitic people because Arabic is a Semitic language) because he believed that something was defective with Jews racially/genetically. Israel, as a state, obviously did not exist at the time he popularized it (1881).
I don't think that at all since this is not a racial or genetic issue, so don't even try the "anti-Semitism" label. This is a political issue, related to Zionist politics and Zionist influence over American politics. You're crying "anti-Semitism" because you got called out. This isn't going to work because nobody is falling for it anymore.
Lol, trying the First Amendment now? The next step is "Yeah, I believe in free speech but not for aNtI SeMiTiSm," so people can get thrown in jail for daring to criticize Israel. I'm seeing the desperation here. Sad.
Ira, you're in a bad spot. Americans will NOT get involved in another Middle Eastern war for the benefits of the Jewish state and end up with nothing but more migrants and a trillion dollar deficit (4 trillion the last time). Don't try crying anti-Semitism when anti-White politics have been pushed for the last decade or so, and now the country is at this current state.
It just isn't working. If you have no real argument, just say it. This is pathetic. Stop lying.
Iran is not the root cause of conflict in the Middle East.
It's not 2001, Ira. This isn't going to work anymore.
In 2001 it was not the problem. I am not sure where you studied contemporary history. Now it is the problem. Open your eyes a bit to the horror that Iran is spreading around the world - in Latin America, Africa, the Mideast, Europe. Iran is out for you - a woman. Just ask any Iranian woman.
I'm talking about the propaganda that's being spread to provoke another war. In 2001, it was Iraq. Now you're trying Iran. It's not 2001, this isn't going to work. This is a different world.
You know what I mean; you're feigning ignorance because that's part of the propaganda. Iran has no interest in attacking American women. Just stop it. This is pathetic and nobody is falling for it. US troops will not be invading Iran and if Israel wants to start a war with Iran, it's going to do it alone.
Stop lying.
No one has to invade Iran to topple its unpopular regime. Air strikes against its nuclear facilities and Revolutionary Guard bases will do the job. The people of Iran will do the rest. They have been begging for help since Obama was president, but the likes of you don't care about the people of Iran, only about its leadership. But that is quite common amongst the progressive left and Marxists - people no, dictators yes.
And yes - they are after you as you are an infidel. You can pretend its not true, but it is.
That's odd, why would people like you be crying about Shiite Iran after a Sunni organization like Hamas committed a terrorist attack? That's kind of like trying to connect a country like Iraq to 9/11 and Al Qaeda even though they had no connection and everybody knew it was a lie, since Israel wanted to topple Iraq's regime (read the Clean Break Memo)...WAIT A SECOND I'M GETTING A FLASHBACK
If Israelis want to air strike Iran, they're going to do it alone and then they'll have to deal with the consequences. Americans will not sign up for another endless Jewish war, where somehow tons of angry Muslim "refugees" get dumped on Western countries as Israeli borders get more and more secure.
Don't tell me what Muslims think about me as an infidel. Islam deserves no defense. But no Iranian EVER committed a terrorist attack in the United States, and there's no proof you can provide otherwise. Stop lying.
Ira, you're in big trouble here. Nobody is buying Zionist propaganda and you come off looking like a fool. This is a different world now and Israel is going to fight its own wars because Americans have had enough.
Listen to what I'm telling you because this won't end well. No Jewish state has lasted longer than 75 years in Jewish history, and Israel is reaching. Israel is going to destroy itself with this lunatic behavior. Go join the IDF because no American is coming to save you (unless you've served already then tell other young Jews to do it).
Where do you live, btw?
I was wondering how long it would take until the anti-Semitism came through. Honestly, I thought it would take a bit longer.
Just remember ... first they come for the Jews ....
I would mute the thread but I still have a bit of First Amendment absolutist in me and I think it is good that others witness what you are, whomever you are.
Wilhelm Marr coined the misnomer "anti-Semitism" (Arabs are Semitic people because Arabic is a Semitic language) because he believed that something was defective with Jews racially/genetically. Israel, as a state, obviously did not exist at the time he popularized it (1881).
I don't think that at all since this is not a racial or genetic issue, so don't even try the "anti-Semitism" label. This is a political issue, related to Zionist politics and Zionist influence over American politics. You're crying "anti-Semitism" because you got called out. This isn't going to work because nobody is falling for it anymore.
Lol, trying the First Amendment now? The next step is "Yeah, I believe in free speech but not for aNtI SeMiTiSm," so people can get thrown in jail for daring to criticize Israel. I'm seeing the desperation here. Sad.
Ira, you're in a bad spot. Americans will NOT get involved in another Middle Eastern war for the benefits of the Jewish state and end up with nothing but more migrants and a trillion dollar deficit (4 trillion the last time). Don't try crying anti-Semitism when anti-White politics have been pushed for the last decade or so, and now the country is at this current state.
It just isn't working. If you have no real argument, just say it. This is pathetic. Stop lying.