Astute observations

Thank you

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He also has this attitude towards Beijing as if he intended to avert conflict by jointly managing foreign affairs with the Chinese Communist Party. What does that say about Biden’s commitment to the liberal order? That his clean energy policy underwrites Beijing’s while he begs Beijing to help him deescalate everywhere, and why does Biden think China would help him if China could? He doesn’t actually think China wants to help the US. Biden knows that. What Biden wants is to help China, no matter what China’s ambitions are. Because Biden’s administration represents an America that hates itself and hates the West and their instinct is to see China as the redemptive alternative anticolonial superpower it purports to be. And that’s what Biden’s people want.

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Biden’s is a socialist administration. It couldn’t be a more socialist government if Bernie Sanders were president. His foreign policy doctrine is like the Reagan doctrine in reverse. If the Reagan doctrine was about supporting freedom everywhere and preventing the spread of communism, then the Biden doctrine is about promoting socialism and containing the flourishing of freedom, containing Ukraine, containing Israel, while cozying up to guys like Lula of Brazil.

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Biden is a puppet of Obama, the Billionaire-Bolshevik axis of Bullshit, and whoever slips a dollar in his Depends while he rides the stripper politician pole. Scumbags.Trump 2024. Try not to be stupid this year, people.

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I would draw attention to one thing: while there is widespread support for Israel on the right in the US, support for Ukraine is dwindling fast -the inverse of Biden/Blinken policy. Israel's situation appears pretty straightforward, and always has. But Ukraine's position and the POTUS approach is fraught with ambiguities. Putin is able to gain some moral support at least on the American right partly because under recent administrations the "defense of freedom" has meant pressuring other countries to embrace the worst excesses of American progressivism. Leftists used to decry "coca-colonization" but not anymore.

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I blame the fact that Biden has not made the case for Ukraine - and I think its because he doesn't want to. But I think that it is mistaken to think that Putin is any ally of those who value God, tradition, morality and ethics.

Ukraine has its own problems and its history is far from being "moral". But right now, a Putin victory there would not be a good thing. He may be against progressive "morals" or lack therein - but he is also against traditional morality.

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