There is an Axis of Russia, Iran and China (and sometimes North Korea) fighting against freedom and dignity in the world. Now, there is also an associate member of this Axis and that is Biden’s United States. Working diligently in three regions over two continents the United States under the Biden administration has contributed more to the success of the Axis than any act of the Axis members themselves. First in Afghanistan, then in Ukraine and now in Israel, Biden, under the leadership of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has furthered the ultimate goal of the Axis - ending the Pax Americana and all it contributed to the world in general and to freedom in particular over the past 80 years.
We can call it the Axis+1 of countries dedicated to ending US influence in the world and therefore, ending freedom in the world. A conspiracy theorist would think that the Biden administration was working hand in hand with the Axis powers, but these Axis powers are probably just as shocked as America’s current and ex-allies to see what they have done.
The US surrender to the Taliban was executed in order to prove that the “war against terror” was wrong from the start since the Islamic terrorists had real grievances against the West and the United States. Then, the not so subtle hint to Russia that a “small invasion” would be ok since Russia was understood to have been an insulted and harmed country after the end of the Cold War and the end of their utopian experiment. Just remember Obama’s comment to ex Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have “more flexibility” after the election and you can understand that the Biden administration policy from the start has been, not even “leading from behind” but abandonment of the free world and penance at the “evil” that the United States has perpetrated on the world over the last three centuries (even before it became a country, it seems).
The current de facto arms embargo on Israel and its siding with Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah in this middle east war is just the latest in the Biden-Blinken plan to be the +1 in the Axis.
We should not look upon this as an abandonment of Israel, a key ally in the fight for freedom but rather another stage in their policy of retreat and surrender. The October 7 massacre by Hamas against Israel was a gift to the policy wonks at the Democratic Party and the State Department. Rather than have to force their will upon a strong, stable Israel in a state of non-war with its neighbors, the progressive cabal in Washington saw this as an opportunity to hit Israel while it was down and to force a new “reality” upon the middle east. Except this new “reality” was based on the old Soviet Marxist ideology of the evils of western colonialism and imperialism instead of on the actual reality of life in the middle east.
The same can be said of Afghanistan and Ukraine. In Ukraine, a country trying to find its way out of nearly ¾ of a century of totalitarian Communist rule was really the thorn in the side of the progressive left as its membership in the European Union, let alone NATO would mean the dream of a Communist revival in Europe would come to an end. Putin, the new celebrant of Stalinist rule was, for the left, not the fascist dictator that he is but the one who could unify the old Communist block as a challenge to American dominance in the world. What is fascinating is how some on the right in the US, and the religious right at that, were able to fall for Putin’s criticism of Western morality as if he were the second coming of the Moral Majority instead of a cold blooded murderer and the reincarnation of Stalin, Lenin and everything they stood for.
In the Indo-Pacific things are not much different. Despite the desired “pivot to Asia” the Philippines are in the brink of becoming a Chinese vassal and Taiwan has to be wondering what lies in their future. Even in the Western Hemisphere, the Biden-Blinken team is doing everything it can to suppress the growth of freedom.
This game is Biden’s. This plan in Biden’s. This strategy is Biden’s.
There were three things that stood – and still stand - in the way of the Biden-Blinken plan to end American support for freedom in the world.
The first was the Ukrainian people. They defended their country with their lives preventing the quick victory that both Putin and Biden-Blinken wanted and expected. The brave Ukrainian citizens stopped a less than competent Russian army at the gates of Kyiv and in eastern Ukraine. This crushed what would have been a great victory for Putin and Biden that would have allowed them to negotiate a surrender that might even have included the NATO countries in the Baltics as well as Moldova. Who knows, one Putin demand might have been to withdrawal US troops from Poland. Clearly Ukraine was never the only prize of the Putin adventure and for Biden-Blinken there is no concession it won’t give in order to reduce the reach of freedom.
The second obstacle in the +1 plan was the Israeli public – especially its young who, in the hundreds of thousands flocked to their army units on October 7. This was followed up with the most recent draft class where, for the first time in years, infantry, armored and engineering brigades were “oversubscribed” – by both men and women (contrast with the young in the Ivies).
The third obstacle to being the +1 in the new Axis is the American public. Rather than fall for the violence, cliches and chants of the anti-Semitic, progressive-left, in poll after poll, the American public repudiates the Biden-Blinken abandonment of Israel and the resurgence of antisemitism in the “elite” bastions of the culture.
The foreign policy of the Biden Administration is a success since it furthers the goals of the administration which is the renewed dream of domination by the enlightened classes over the people of the world, in order to bring about the progressive, utopian project started by the storming of the Bastille in France in 1789, given intellectual energy by Marx and Engels and their engineers Lenin, Stalin and Mao and now with the fanatic Islamism of Iran and the Moslem Brotherhood.
Only the “sins” of the West in general and the United States in particular stand in the way of that dream. But with the Biden-Blinken determination to be the +1 in the Axis, that dream can start again.
Astute observations
Thank you
Biden’s is a socialist administration. It couldn’t be a more socialist government if Bernie Sanders were president. His foreign policy doctrine is like the Reagan doctrine in reverse. If the Reagan doctrine was about supporting freedom everywhere and preventing the spread of communism, then the Biden doctrine is about promoting socialism and containing the flourishing of freedom, containing Ukraine, containing Israel, while cozying up to guys like Lula of Brazil.