Be assured of my poor prayers for the safety of you and yours .

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Thanks for the insightful overview.

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"There has also been talk of electro-magnetic pulse bombs that would deactivate just about everything electronic in Lebanon but no one seems to know if this is a real weapon"

Yes. I've asked this question a dozen times on X and no one ever answers.

There was a guy in DC who was sounding the alarm about Russia's "electromagnetic pulse weapons," Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. He's passed on now. I could never figure out whether he was one of the many loons who make money in Washington DC over grim prognostications, or the real thing.

What do you think?

(warning: he said a lot of things that were proven to be nonsense, such as Russia had a nuclear fusion bomb, so I'm suspicious of him)

I don't know what to make of this.


Thanks for clearing up Natzrallah's ranting about Cyprus. Most of us don't know enough to connect these dots. Very concerning.

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PS I got this in response to a Google search: "Are EMP weapons real?"

AI says yes.

"Yes, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons are real. EMP weapons are capable of generating intense bursts of radio wavelength electromagnetic (EM) waves that can damage electronic devices while leaving people unharmed. The existence of EMP weapons was first discovered in the 1960s when scientists noticed that atomic blasts create a pulse of EM energy similar to microwaves. This energy can erase magnetic memories and melt microscopic junctions in transistors"

Well, all I can say is: I hope they're real, I hope Israel has them, I hope you blitz the bastards with no mercy. I don't see how Israel can put off an eight-front war indefinitely.

I realize there's a lot on his plate but Bibi sometimes strikes me as fatally indecisive. What I would give to have M. Begin now.

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I go back and forth on this - mostly because I don't know Israel's full capabilities. They have told us too many times that we can't do "X" and we do "X".

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I pray that Israel does have EMP weapons and that if pushed, it uses them. Far better than any of the alternatives.

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Why haven't we seen the potential use of non-conventional weapons reported in any other Israeli or Western media?

The US was reported to have utilized electric interference weapons in its air campaign against Serbia.

Israel will only utilize tactical nuclear weapons against any foe if threatened with destruction.

An IDF vs. Hezbollah full scale conflict could have a generational impact. If the IDF & Israel are severely bruised, the US will alter its strategy of having Israel as its main Middle Eastern ally. Western Europe will quickly cozy up to the Axis of Evil. Iran will develop its own nuclear weapon. Saudi Arabia will end its quest to reach an agreement with Israel where the IDF will offer them the ultimate protection against Iran. If the IDF "defeats" Hezbollah, the Axis of Evil will be severely harmed as the US & western Europe will pile on in an attempt to bring about revolution in Iran. The Iranians will be prevented from developing a nuclear weapon. Saudi Arabia will hasten its efforts to establish diplomatic & military relations with Israel. If the war ends inconclusively (similar to 2006), Israel & the Axis of Evil will likely wait to see who wins the 2024 presidential election prior to initiating their next moves.

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Interesting. I think the only way to prevent Iran from going nuclear is regime change.

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