I imagine the US has left enough equipment and ordinance lying around to operate a few small wars for years to come.

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Israel's withdrawal of their embassy has kicked a hornet's nest. Here is an article over at The Free Press: https://www.thefp.com/p/the-deep-roots-of-irish-antisemitism

I had to comment:

The Irish -long warped by shame, having "internalized the (English) oppressor"- needed an outlet, so projected their self-hate onto the handiest traditional target. Modern generations -desperate to escape the mud of the bog and the stink of the Church- have long sought to join the Eurotrash ranks. They finally handed the country over to WEF apparatchiks, creating a perfect storm: between mick shame and the Davocrat agenda, nothing is more despicable than an Israel stubbornly determined to remain itself -a people and a nation- instead of the soulless outpost of deracinated serfs that modern Ireland is becoming.

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Too bad

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Genocide in.... Syria? Maybe she thinks that weapons are identifying as people now - why not? It's no crazier than men calling themselves women because they "identify" as such.

Seriously - there are credible reports of massacres going on in the parts of Syria being taken over by Turkey. I'm not saying this because I want the US to intervene, just saying it for the record. I'm happy Assad is gone but this doesn't bode well for the future.

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You are right about massacres. Torture , too

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Is there more info about this? I keep looking but it's hard to find a reputable source.

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I am not quite sure what "reputable sources" are these days.

There are reports from Arab language Telegram channels that have been accurate in the past that have testified to new imprisonments and torture. There are videos of executions, of bodies being dragged through the streets. There are reports of women being forced to cover their hair and faces.

When the reports match the past of these groups, one tends to believe them.

Or we can wait until they fall and the prisons are opened - like with the West's serial denial of the Assad brutality.

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Getting the real picture involves a lot of time and effort and language skills that the average Westerner doesn't have.

I look at a lot of different sources & cross-reference.

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