Ira, I was confused by this sentence:

"The generally accepted narrative in the press and elsewhere is that Biden-Blinken want Israel to defeat Hamas in order to get the Dearborn, Michigan votes they need in that swing state. "

Wouldn't it read better if you had written, "The generally accepted narrative in the press and elsewhere is that Biden-Blinken want Israel to hold Hamas at bay while appeasing the Dearborn, Michigan votes they need in that swing state. "

This is not a nitpick. Defeating Hamas would certainly alienate the Hamas vote. Taking Israel's side in anything alienates them.

I realize you're trying to explain the narrative and not give a lesson in logic but I still think it's not an accurate depiction of that narrative.

I agree w/everything else you're saying. I think the long term plan of the Democrats is to get rid of this thorn in its side called Israel.

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hmmm. i need an editor - what i mean to write is:

he generally accepted narrative in the press and elsewhere is that Biden-Blinken want Israel to defeat Hamas BUT in order to get the Dearborn, Michigan votes they need in that swing state they are willing to delay that. "

But what you wrote hold's too. i will edit it now. I hope that is acceptable in the substack world.

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Makes a lot more sense now.

I make a lot of misteaks that I edit after publication. It's totally acceptable.

Your version is clearer than mine, which was just an attempt to understand. I knew you weren't *wrong*, but that you were trying to express a layered concept that doesn't lend itself to a simple sentence.

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PS About that Iron Dome, what's being said in public is bad enough. But what's being done in private is worse. There are all sorts of ways that a US administration can hamstring's Israel's defense. This is one of them.


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Saw that and this is yet another attempt to put Israel in its place.

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For all that I've known about Israel, had not looked into the Rogers plan


Barry Chamish wrote of the intentional subversion of Israeli sovereignty 20 years ago. Spidery webs intertwine worldwide, and the deep State continues to thrive.

Mark Levin did a summation of the funding of the campus chaos, actblue is an arm of the Democrat party and taking a cut from donations to free Marxist campus pussies as Qatari cash flows into the United States, yet mirsheimer and Finkelstein videos on YouTube predominate telling of Jewish control of the United States, unwra and the special status of perpetual refugee is being funded. One could speculate that the United States even hosting the United Nations is a sign of the United States losing its sovereignty, we are days away from w h o edicts that will enshrine the dismissal of national sovereignty...

Jews have been the canaries in the coal mine, look what netanyahu did with the vaccinations... He has a taint of deep state, yet at this moment has walked a fine balancing line and possibly in time history will vindicate him. Commendations on furthering the discussion

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