We wrote recently about a global Jihad and emphasized the intra-Moslem aspect of it. Over the last week or two we have seen an increase in violent actions and talk between Moslem groups. For example, after Abu-Mazen, president of the Palestinian Authority spoke in the Turkish parliament the Moslem Brotherhood attacked Turkish President Erdogan saying a “Palestinian child could have better represented the Palestinians”. The Brotherhood, whose origins are in Egypt is the founder and supporter of Hamas and therefore the opponents of Abu-Mazen’s Fatah and the current PA leadership. Although theological opponents of Shiite Iran, their anti-semitic and anti-Western fanaticism match Iran’s.
Hamas and their supporters are trying to use the “success” of the October 7 attacks on Israel in order to gain popularity amongst the Palestinian population in the West Bank and outside of Israel in order to take over the PA and be the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people” (an old phrase for those who remember the reason why we had to admit and arm Arafat’s PLO). In the West Bank itself, in addition to daily and nightly Israeli raids to kill or capture terrorists in the cities of Qalqilya, Jenin, Tulkarm, Shechem, Hebron and their surrounding villages, Hamas and Fatah have been known to fight each other in bloody battles.
The PA, not wanting to lose out on the anti-Semitic game, in addition to its support for the October 7 massacres has apparently upped its payment to terrorists who kill Jews. What is interesting, is that those that do the killing are mostly freed prisoners and others already wanted by Israel including members of Abu Mazen’s Fatah and the US trained PA Police. The theory that every Palestinian with means, kills Jews is false. These are mostly “repeat offenders” - who get paid large sums of money to perpetrate their terror. Some would call them mercenaries. Others would call them hit men. But they are just terrorist murderers.
Iran of course is in control of Hamas so one can’t negate the Iran-Turkey competition for radical Moslem influence in the Brotherhood’s reaction. Proof of Iranian control can be seen in the recently concluded “negotiations” where Hamas never showed up but Iran did. Iran, of course needs Hamas to retain power not only in Gaza but also to obtain it in the West Bank, via intra-Palestinian Jihad if necessary. The next stop for the Iranian intra-Moslem Jihad is Jordan. Hamas will be their main tool there, too as they look to undermine the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and can be called in by a President Harris to help defeat the ISIS groups that will certainly form there once the King is gone.
It is difficult to see a future Harris administration doing anything but coordinating with Iran to save Jordan from ISIS while offering King Abdullah asylum in the United States. Hamas is already acceptable to Harris’s foreign policy aides and the most vocal part of her party, so a Hamas/Iran controlled Jordan would not seem to counter their vision of the middle east with an Iranian “sphere of influence” that would consist of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Jordan and a future “Palestine” balanced by a vassal that we now call the independent State of Israel , the dessert kingdoms on the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula and a military dictatorship in Egypt.
Moving on to that odd triangle of Islamic failed states, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan - fighting continues apace between each of the countries. Just this weekend 5 Afghanis were killed by Pakistani troops as they tried to enter Pakistan to do their own killing. It seems that Pakistan is trying to get the Taliban to stop terrorists that are not Taliban from killing Pakistanis. The same seems to be happening in Iran but on the Iranian-Pakistani and Iranian-Afghani border areas are not Persians but Baluchis and Sistanis, both of whom oppose the Islamic Republic of Iran – meaning there is a 5th column inside Iran in those borders and they have their own internal Jihad.
We have just described part of the intra-Islamic jihad but of course there is also an active Jihad against (non-Islamic) infidels.
There are two types of (non-Moslem) countries that are need to react properly to these two Jihads – those like Israel, India, UK and France that have substantial Moslem populations and those like the US, New Europe, Japan and South Korea that have minimal Moslem citizens or residents. For the latter, the fight is first and foremost to keep the fight out of its borders by limiting immigration and for the latter it is to rapidly assimilate the Moslem population into its political and economic culture.
Assimilation is hard enough when fanaticism doesn’t rule the airwaves but in 2 or three generations the work is usually done. But when fanaticism is the default then strict law and order is the only thing that will prevent a descent into chaos and surrender and give an opportunity for the second and third generations to assimilate. In the UK and Ireland, for example we have seen not only a breakdown of law and order but an attempt to use the law to erase dissent of the indigenous peoples and prevent assimilation by immigrants. France has been a bit better in its upholding of the law but the recent election of many far-left legislators will not help the situation.
In India, one wonders if they will enter Bangladesh to save the Hindus being slaughtered and raped by Moslem fanatics and if not, what will that say about their own internal situation? But India is a more complicated country and its culture is not western per se – so it is difficult to use India as an example for how to act.
Israel though is pretty western and on one hand there has been success in assimilation - again by assimilation I mean legal and economic – and not religious and cultural. Israel is a true multicultural society where food and music for example are middle eastern dominated, and science and technology are wholly western. Israel’s successes have been in incorporating its Moslem citizens into various industries such as healthcare, construction and now even education and of course the government bureaucracy.
Leaving the Palestinian issue aside for the moment, where Israel has failed is in the area of crime where the Arab-Moslem crime rate is so high that Arabs themselves are complaining about a lack of police presence in their towns and villages. As a matter of fact, when Ben-Gvir got elected, it was in part to attack the crime problem in these towns and villages. Much like crime by African Americans in the US, Arab crime is mostly Arab on Arab crime so, much as Ben-Gvir was despised by Israeli Arabs (the hatred is two way) there was some hope that he would deal with the issue. However, as many of us said after he was elected – he can either yell and scream about the Arabs or he can start to solve the crime issue, but he can’t do both. Sadly, he chose the former.
And that is the key to the assimilation of Israel’s Moslem-Arab population into Israel economically and legally (getting them to respect the western legal system that Israel is built on) and that is being strict on law and order issues – regardless of where that crime has taken place or who the victim is. Sadly, besides the failure of Ben-Gvir, Israel is full of Soros-type prosecutors who make the job of the police that much harder and therefore make the lives of Israel’s Arab-Moslem citizens that much worse. There are other issues that border the cultural and legal that Israel has neglected, like bigamy amongst its growing Bedouin population but I doubt that can be taken care of before the crime issue has solved.
What does all this have to do with the Intra-Moslem jihad you ask? By moving from the general to the particular and back to the general, lets say that any country, western or not, that wants to minimize, if not eliminate the damage that Jihad (intra-Islamic or from Islam to the infidels – that’s us) a global law and order initiative is warranted. In geo-political terms that is called “deterrence”. The non-Moslem countries will not be able to stop Jihad but it can certainly limit its spread by stopping the main state perpetrators with economic and military action that will bring true pain to their leaders, by being merciless with terrorist organizations by killing the terrorists and not just by imprisoning their leaders and by cutting off their ties to drug smuggling, human trafficking and other favorites of international organized crime syndicates that finance them.
When you look at the map and you wonder how it is that the civilized world is in retreat, why it is that sub-Saharan Africa is being decimated by Islamist fanatics (and Russian mercenaries and Putin connected oligarchs) and moving backwards - you can look at the geo-politics of Western leaders and understand why. Just as crime in cities doesn’t end with midnight basketball (that was a thing, remember?) Jihad will continue its march across the world if the West does not support those who oppose Jihad on the front lines – and encourage them to use maximum force. This is how the US will stay out of hot wars - not by appeasing Jihadis with the geo-political version of midnight basketball.
Yes, we know that Jihad, like Hamas is an idea and you can’t destroy an idea – but you certainly can make it a very large liability to perpetrate that idea – that is true for each country individually and for the West universally.
If you ignore Jihad, it will not go away.